Heritage Conservation-restoration Laboratory MateriaViva



[MateriaViva, Toulouse, France]

March 2 to 3, 2023

The objective of these two days was to learn about the practice of ENDLESS Metal analysis tools in a conservation laboratory:

DiscoveryMat, an application for the analysis of metal and alloy compositions;

MiCorr, an application for identifying metal families and understanding corrosion structures;

Pleco, an instrument for identifying corrosion products formed on the surface of metals.

The first day will take place at Materia Viva with demonstrations of the tools by Materia Viva staff (conservators), accompanied by discussions on their advantages and disadvantages, possibilities and limitations. The second day will give us the opportunity to evaluate the application of the ENDLESS Metal analysis tools "on-site". The demonstration will take place in the Treasury of the La Daurade church, one of the most important churches in Toulouse. The Materia Viva team conserved the metallic liturgical objects in 2019 and questions are being asked about the treatment of certain pieces.

ENDLESS Metal WS1 2023 programme.


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