Kick-off meeting!

ENDLESS Metal team met at Haute École Arc Conservation-Restauration- HE-Arc CR/HES-SO, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

January 9, 2023


The members of the Innovators Grant 16215 team met in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, so that Christian Degrigny, chair, could inform the members of the general philosophy of the COST projects, the organisation of the IG projects, and in particular the essential role of the Grant Holder: HES-SO.

Christian Degrigny then reviewed the project objectives and activities. Decisions were taken on the design of our logo. The members approved the list of participants in the two training schools and the programmes prepared by the organising committees, as well as the agenda of upcoming activities: workshops and case study. It was also decided to organise the last event, the final meeting, in Porto.

The team decided to create Facebook and LinkedIn groups. A brochure promoting ENDLESS Metal will also be produced. The organisation of the web page hosted by the PortASAP Action website, proposed by Paula Menino Homem, scientific communication manager, was also discussed.

Finally, the team members were informed about the latest developments of the Pleco, DiscoveryMat and MiCorr analytical tools.

Agnès Gelbert-Miermon, research coordinator at the Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-restoration, and Gaëtan Bussy, co-founder of the FabLab Neuchâtel and producer of ENDLESS Metal videos, attended the meeting as special guests.

Kick-off meeting agenda.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

COST - Endless Metal © 2023 All Rights Reserved

Funded by

the European Union